Detailing everything that is possible in a fast-paced technology field is very difficult. This page just gives a hint at what can be done, and if it’s beyond the ability of No More Grapes then advice will be given on how to proceed further as we have good links with other professionals.
OpenStreetMap Expert and Enthusiast
Being involved from the early days, a foundation member, a regular State of the Map attender/speaker, not to mention the addiction of contributing to OSM, Gregory Marler is in a distinct position to give you clear insight into this open and crowd-created database. Even with in-house developers, many business newcomers struggle to understand the powerful amount of data available or find tools suitable for accessing it. Since 2017, Gregory has been serving on the board of directors for OpenStreetMap UK.
On a more general level, consultancy can be given on subjects surrounding open data and geospatial work. Clients include JISC, and Sunderland City Council.
Public Speaking
Gregory Marler is an experienced and passionate public subject on all the subjects worked on. Previous engagements have included private talks to company staff, regional usergroups, and presenting new ideas at international conferences across Europe and further afield.
Web Development
Underlying all the consultancy is over 15 years experience programming and building websites, while keeping up with changes on how the web works. Dynamic websites and online information systems can be built using PHP and Javascript and a number of frameworks depending what is suitable for the project. Some potential also exists for prototype versions of phone apps which can provide big cost savings on developing a fully native app for each device.
Inspirational Art
Stepping away from strict aims of financial gains, effort gets put into works of art that bring profits of inspiration and education. A collaborative piece titled “Touch my Fruit” was created in under a day, and an automated internet-connected piece is currently under development.